About Cub Scout Pack 396

Cub Scouting with Pack 396 is a year-round, family-oriented program designed for all children who are in kindergarten through fifth grade, or are between 5 and 10 years of age. We are located in Parker, CO but we meet anywhere from Centennial to Castle Rock for hikes and activities.

Our Scouts come from many schools in the Parker area. We are also very happy to welcome local homeschooling families to our pack!

Siblings are welcome to attend meetings and outings (though there may be cases where this isn’t possible) and parents are encouraged to be as involved as they can. We are truly a family pack.

The Structure of Cub Scouting

The den is the most fundamental unit of Cub Scouting. This is the group your Scout will spend most of their time with, and it’s where the Scouting program is primarily delivered.

It consists of a group of six to eight children of the same age or grade level and gender, working on the same rank together.

Dens have a den number that stays the same as the Scouts progress through the ranks, so even as Scouts work from Lion to Arrow of Light ranks, their den number doesn’t change.

A Cub Scout pack is made up of dens, all organized and led by the pack committee. A pack is also called a “unit” and each one has a number to identify it. Ours is Pack 396.

The pack committee consists of the Cubmaster, the committee chair, the treasurer, den leaders, and other committee members. The committee meets once a month, and meetings are always open to parents who want to participate. 

We have pack meetings at least once per month, where all dens come together, often for a special event. Pack meetings are also where we recognize Scouts for their achievements and hand out awards.

We are part of the Black Feather District, which consists of all Scouting units serving Douglas County, Littleton, Sheridan, Englewood, and Elbert County Schools. The Greater Colorado Council serves all districts in the Denver metro and Western Slope areas. There are over 300 councils in the United States!

A chartered organization operates each Scouting unit, and the Parker Sunrise Lions Club is the chartered organization for Pack 396.

The Mission and Methods of Cub Scouting

The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to instill the values of the Scout Oath and Scout law into young people so that they will be prepared to make moral and ethical choices throughout their lifetimes. As leaders, we are helping Scouts to grow into the kind of people who will make the world a better place for everyone.

Parents, adult leaders, and chartered organizations work together to achieve The Aims of Scouting:


Scouts develop character by facing challenges, working towards their goals, and having new experiences.


Community service and respect for country are foundational values of Scouting.

Personal Fitness

Scouts get out and play! They are physically active, learn new skills, and spend time outdoors.


As they grow through the program, Scouts get more opportunity to learn and practice leadership skills.

Methods of Scouting

The methods of Scouting support the mission of Scouting. These practices support youth in developing into people of character, good citizens, and leaders.

Living the Ideals

Cub Scouts are encouraged to live the ideals embedded in the Scout Oath, the Scout Law, and the Cub Scout motto. The Cub Scout sign, handshake, and salute are practices that help to establish and reinforce these values for the Scouts and the leaders who guide them.

Belonging to a Den

A Cub Scout den is a group of six to eight children, who are the same age or grade level and the same gender, who work together on the same rank requirements. The den is the basic unit of Cub Scouting, and it’s the group your Scout spends most of their time with.


Advancement in Cub Scouting helps Scouts learn to set goals and work towards them. It also helps them earn recognition in front of their den and the whole pack. The awards on a Scout’s uniform tell the story of their Scouting journey.

Family Involvement

Whatever a Scout’s family looks like, the family is an important part of Cub Scouting. Whether a Scout  lives with parents, grandparents, step parents, foster parents, or someone else, all provide leadership and support for Cub Scouting.


Cub Scouts play games, build projects, perform skits, sing songs, get outdoors, take trips, and serve their communities through the Scouting program. These activities are fun, but they also offer opportunities for growth, achievement, and family involvement.

Serving the Community

The Cub Scouting program provides Scouts with the opportunity to serve their families and communities as part of their advancement. Scouts learn what it takes to help those who need it, and working in service of others establishes good character that lasts a lifetime.


Cub Scouts wear uniforms to their meetings, and these uniforms serve two purposes. They show that the Scout is part of a team, and also display the Scout’s individual achievements in the awards they wear. The uniform also encourages a neat appearance and good behavior.

The Scout Oath and Law

The Scout Oath and Scout Law are essential to understanding Scouting. Scouts are required to learn them in order to earn their Bobcat rank, and they are repeated at every pack and den meeting. 

The Scout Oath

“On my honor I will do my best

to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;

to help other people at all times;

to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.”

The Scout Law

A Scout is:













Cub Scout Ranks and Uniforms

Kids can join the pack at any age from 5 to 11, and begin their Scouting journey. The den they are assigned to will depend upon their age or grade, and they will begin working on the appropriate rank. Our youngest Scouts start in kindergarten at the Lion rank, and our 5th grade Scouts are working on the Arrow of Light rank, the highest award in Cub Scouting.

Each rank has some different uniform elements to help identify which Scouts are working on which rank. There is some commonality between uniforms as well, to show that we’re all on the same team. Adult leaders also wear uniforms, to show that they are on the same team as the kids.

Lion Scouts are the youngest rank in Cub Scouting. They are made up of kids who are in kindergarten, or the year prior to 1st grade (5-6 years old).

Lions have shorter and fewer den meetings than other ranks, but still get to participate fully in pack events and meetings. Lion den meetings happen 1-2 times per month in addition to pack meetings, and typically last between 30-45 minutes.

Tiger Scouts are those Scouts who are in 1st grade (6-7 years old) during the Scouting year. Tiger Scouts participate in 2-3 den meetings per month in addition to the pack meeting, and their meetings are the more typical 45 minutes to one hour long.

Tigers also begin wearing the classic dark blue Class A uniform at this rank, and they begin affixing badges and awards to mark their advancement.

Wolf Scouts are Scouts who are in 2nd grade (7-8 years old) during the Scouting year. Wolf Scouts participate in 2-3 den meetings per month in addition to the pack meeting, and their meetings are usually 45 minutes to one hour long.

Wolf Scouts are beginning to earn more responsibility in the pack, as this is the rank where they learn to perform the flag ceremony for pack meetings.

Bear Scouts are in the 3rd grade (8-9 years old) during the Scouting year. Bear Scouts participate in 2-3 den meetings per month, and their meetings are the standard 45 minutes to one hour long.

Bear Scouts are the first rank able to earn the celebrated Whittling Chip, which allows them to carry small pocket knives on appropriate Scouting activities.

Webelos Scouts are in 4th grade (9-10 years old) during the Scouting year. This rank and the Arrow of Light rank are essentially two years of work to help Scouts transition from the adult-led program of Cub Scouting to the Scout-led program of Scouts BSA. They will have more leadership opportunities, more time spent camping and hiking, and will begin to spend some time with Scouts BSA troops.

Webelos Scouts begin wearing the tan uniform shirt that they’ll continue wear through the Scouts BSA program.

Arrow of Light Scouts are in 5th grade (10-11 years old) during the Scouting year. They are working to finish their rank advancement requirements so they can cross over to a Scouts BSA troop at the Blue & Gold banquet, usually held in late February or early March.

Arrow of Light Scouts earn the Arrow of Light badge of rank, which is the highest award available in the Cub Scouting program.


Cub Scouts wear uniforms that display their current rank and their individual achievements. The uniform demonstrates that a Scout is part of a den, part of the pack, and part of Boy Scouts of America as a whole. When Scouts are wearing their uniform, they are representing Scouting to the public.

Parents are responsible for providing a Class A uniform for their Scout by the end of September for any Scouts joining in the summer or early fall, and as soon as possible for Scouts joining later in the year. The components of a Class A uniform for each rank are explained at the site linked below. Pack 396 doesn’t require official uniform pants or socks, but a uniform shirt, hat, belt, and neckerchief are expected.

Pack 396 provides each Scout with a Class B uniform t-shirt that the Scout can wear for any activities where they are likely to get messy, like slime-making, cooking, or camping. This is covered by pack dues paid when you join, or when you register each year.

Scout Uniforms can be purchased online or at the local Scout Shop. The closest Scout Shop for our pack is in Lakewood, CO. They have everything your Scout needs to get started, including uniforms, Scout handbooks, even camping and hiking equipment. They can also sew on your uniform patches for a small fee.

If there is any reason that any Scouting-related expenses would be a burden for your family, please reach out to your den leader or to pack leadership. We have programs in place to help. Finances should never be a reason for a child to miss out on the experience of Scouting.


Cub Scout meetings are where the fun happens! There are several types of meetings: pack meetings, den meetings, and special activities or events. On average, you can expect to spend 1-2 hours per week in Scout meetings.

Pack Meetings

There is one pack meeting per month, usually held the first Monday or Saturday of the month, depending on the event. Pack meetings often consist of a special event like the Pinewood Derby or the Blue & Gold Banquet. A pack meeting is where pack announcements are made and awards are handed out.

Den Meetings

Den meetings are held 2-3 times per month in addition to pack meetings. Den meetings are where Scouts do most of the work towards their rank advancement requirements, and are led by den leaders and assistant den leaders, with assistance from parents. Each den schedules their own meetings, but Pack 396 has traditionally held den meetings on Monday evenings, with indoor meetings being held at the Parker United Methodist Church.

Special Activities

There may also be other events available to everyone in the pack, especially during months where the weather is suitable for outdoor activities. These might be hikes, fishing trips, camping trips, etc.

These events will be run in addition to pack meetings, and won’t generally have advancement or award ceremonies.

We follow the Douglas County School District calendar and generally do not schedule meetings on days that are marked “No School.”

Scouting Dues

People who are interested in becoming involved with Scouting often ask what it costs to join. Since we prorate our dues, the exact amount will change based on the time of year your son or daughter joins. As a general guideline we charge $150 for a full program year in pack dues, and national dues paid during online registration can be anywhere from $30-97, also prorated based on when you join.

There are two types of membership dues. Dues paid to the BSA national organization are paid on a prorated calendar year schedule when signing up and include a one-time $25 registration fee for new Scouts. After the first dues payment during online registration, national dues are included in the annual pack dues. These dues cover expenditures at the national level for things like insurance, BSA websites, program materials, and more.

Pack dues cover build kits and awards for all of our special events (Pinewood Derby, Raingutter Regatta, Rocket Rally, Blue & Gold Banquet, etc.) as well as a Class B t-shirt for each Scout, and all awards that Scouts earn throughout the year. Certain activities, like the Family Camp trip, special events like field trips, or a summer camp organized by the district or council, may have additional costs associated.

We ask that initial pack dues be paid by the end of the month following your registration. These dues pay for our program for the whole Scouting year, which covers from August through July of the following year.

All of these costs, from dues, to uniform purchases, to summer camp tuition, can be paid for by participating in our fall Trail’s End popcorn fundraiser. Please talk to your den leader or pack leadership for more details.

If there is any reason that any Scouting-related expenses would be a burden for your family, please reach out to your den leader or to pack leadership. We have programs in place to help. Finances should never be a reason for a child to miss out on the experience of Scouting.